Medisonal Clinic Complaints Policy: How we handle complaints



Medisonal Limited recognises that there will be times when clients, their families or carers, staff members and others are dissatisfied with aspects of the care and services provided. Medisonal Limited is committed to dealing with any issues that may arise as quickly and effectively as possible. 

The potential effects on clients, relatives and staff when things go wrong, can be devastating. Duty of candour, implemented under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014: Regulation 20, outlines the principles that staff should use when communicating with clients, relatives and/or carers following an incident where harm has occurred, or where there is a risk or possibility that the incident could lead to or result in harm. It underpins a culture of openness, honesty and transparency, and is a duty on the organisation as a whole, as well as individual employee/staff/team members working within the organisation. (For more information on duty of candour, see the separate Duty of Candour Policy). 

By making sure that concerns and complaints are dealt with in a timely manner the risk of escalation is minimised and the opportunity of finding a satisfactory resolution to the problem is maximised. 

At the same time, compliments are an important means of identifying areas of good practice, and Medisonal Limited will seek to ensure that feedback on good practice is shared with employees to motivate and encourage staff and ensure standards of care are improved wherever possible. 

Medisonal Limited will ensure that the complaints procedure is fair and accessible to all. 


Policy Statement 

All concerns and complaints will be treated seriously and investigated promptly in accordance with the procedures outlined in this policy. Staff will receive training in dealing with concerns and complaints and will ensure that all persons have access to guidance on the procedures for raising a concern or making a complaint. Medisonal Limited is committed to ensuring that no-one is prevented from highlighting concerns or complaints. 

Medisonal Limited will ensure that all lessons learned from feedback are used as a means of improving the quality of care and services provided. Any recommendations made as a result of a feedback, will be shared at 1:1 supervision sessions, in order that changes can be considered business-wide and implemented where appropriate. 

Medisonal Limited recognises its legal responsibility to respond appropriately and effectively to complaints (e.g., through the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014). 


How to Submit Feedback 

Compliments and concerns can be given verbally or in writing to any staff or submitted to the Registered Manager. 

The Company Lead for compliments and complaints is Thomas Levene or successor. 

Complaints must be submitted in writing (via email, text or letter) to the Registered Manager or Anthony Ordman or successor (Lead Clinician) if the complaint relates to the Registered Manager). This is to ensure clarity of the full and specific details of the complaint. Where the complainant is unable to submit a complaint in writing, they should raise the complaint with the Registered Manager, who will then record the complaint. 

Comments on social media websites will not normally be deemed to be formal complaints unless submitted in writing via one of the means outlined above. 

Medisonal Limited will ensure full information is provided about this Policy in the form of leaflets and posters that are available throughout the Company, including in areas accessible to the public, and on the Company website. The information will be available in different styles and languages where this is required. 

Compliments Management Process 

All compliments received in writing should be documented. They should also be circulated amongst relevant staff so that they are aware of the number of compliments received, and the specific topics which are raised. 

There is no requirement to record compliments which are received verbally, but this is encouraged wherever possible. 

No formal acknowledgement of compliments is necessary, however where this is deemed appropriate, it should be encouraged. 


Concerns Management Process 

Many concerns arise out of a lack of information or understanding, and very often the matter can be resolved via the provision of further information, advice or an apology. This means they can often be dealt with at the time of their raising with a front-line staff. On other occasions it may be that staff can take swift action in order to resolve a concern straightaway or find the most appropriate person to help. Staff should feel empowered to deal with concerns promptly and informally without the need for a more in-depth investigation.  

On receipt of a concern staff members will: 

  • ensure that the immediate health care needs of the person affected by the concern are being met (where the person affected is still in Medisonal Limited care)  
  • make sure that the person raising the concern does not wish to make a formal complaint  
  • undertake any enquiries required to resolve the matter respond to the person raising the concern with the appropriate information/advice/apology and/or explain what has been done to resolve the matter 
  • offer the person raising the concern the opportunity to discuss their concern further.  

However concerns are handled, staff should aim to ensure that they are resolved as soon as possible after being raised. Excellent communication at this stage is essential to prevent the concern from escalating into a formal complaint. It is recommended that verbal communication be used primarily at this stage, either face-to-face or via telephone. However, if preferred by the person raising the concern, this can also be in writing, via email or text. 

All concerns must be recorded on the incident management system. The record will include details of the concern, how it was resolved, and any further actions required.    

Where the concern cannot be resolved in the above manner, it should be forwarded to the Registered Manager. The Registered Manager can discuss the issue with the person raising the concern and initiate the formal complaints process outlined below if required. 


Complaints Management Process 

Once a complaint has been received, it should be recorded on the incident management system and formally acknowledged within 3 working days of receipt. The acknowledgement should normally be in writing but can be given verbally if appropriate.  

The Registered Manager will then either investigate the complaint fully themselves or nominate a ‘Lead Investigator’. If a ‘Lead Investigator’ has been nominated, the complainant must be informed with the name and contact details of the nominated person. 

The person investigating the complaint will ensure that it is handled in a way to ensure that it is resolved without undue delay. Complainants should ordinarily receive a written response within 28 working days from the date of receipt. It is important that the right balance is struck between a timely response and one that is informed by comprehensive local action, as this will provide the best response to the complainant and the best opportunities for learning within the business.  

The complainant should be sent regular updates on the progress of the investigation and likely timescales for receiving the formal response. If agreed timescales cannot be met, it is essential that the lead investigator informs the complainant of the reason for the delay and that new timescales are mutually agreed. In conducting the investigation, the lead investigator may undertake any of the following:  

  • contact the complainant to identify the outcome that they are seeking  
  • provide the complainant the opportunity to give their account and views of what took place  
  • review the relevant documentation, checking for evidence regarding issues raised  
  • interview any staff involved in the incident   
  • develop a timeline of what happened   
  • identify any shortfalls in level(s) of care provided 
  • when appropriate, using a Root Cause Analysis, identify the causes/contributory factors/validity of the concerns that have been raised 
  • identify clear and assigned actions to prevent recurrence and to improve care quality.  

The lead investigator will then:  

  • decide whether the complaint should be upheld in full, upheld in part or not upheld  
  • make a record of the details of the investigation, outcomes and actions to be taken on the incident management system.  

It is essential that every stage of the investigation is based on the best available evidence. The formal response from the Lead Investigator should be structured as follows:  

  • outline how the complaint has been considered   
  • explain how conclusions have been reached in relation to the complaint and whether it was upheld in part, in full or not upheld   
  • describe how any action needed as a result of the complaint has been taken, or is proposed to be taken  
  • explain that if they are not happy with the findings, an internal appeal is possible  
  • provide details of the appropriate ombudsman*, should the complainant still be unhappy and wish for their complaint to undergo external review.  

The Lead Investigator should ensure that the full written response is filed alongside the initial complaint on the incident management system. If, after receiving the formal response, the complainant is not happy with the outcome, they may write to the Senior Management Team to request an internal appeal. 

*See Independent Review Section 

Internal Appeal 

Upon receipt of an appeal the Senior Management Team will:  

  • take the time to understand the details of the initial investigation and outcome  
  • contact the complainant to understand the reason(s) why they are not happy with the initial investigation outcome 
  • appoint an appropriate independent (non-biased) individual within the business to carry out the appeal investigation  
  • provide the complainant with the name and contact details of the Independent Investigator.   

The Independent Investigator will:  

  • review the initial investigation and outcome 
  • meet with or contact the complainant to discuss their continuing concerns  
  • carry out further investigation, if necessary 
  • decide whether or not the initial investigation outcome should be upheld  
  • provide the complainant with relevant feedback and inform them of the appeal outcome.  

Once completed, the Independent Investigator will ensure that the incident management system is updated with comprehensive details of the appeal, including actions taken and outcome. They will also report their findings to the Senior Management Team.  


Independent Review 

Once a complaint has been fully dealt with by Medisonal Limited, if the complainant remains unsatisfied with the outcome of the internal appeal, they can refer the complaint to the [for adult social care services] Local Government Ombudsman 

PO Box 4771 


CV4 0EH 

Tel: 0300 061 0614 


[For the private healthcare sector] Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service (ISCAS). 

Details are available at Complaints process – ISCAS (  


[For the NHS in England] Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman 

Helpline 0345 015 4033 

Our service is registered with and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). 

The CQC cannot get involved in individual complaints about providers but is happy to receive information about our services at any time. The CQC can be contacted at:  

Care Quality Commission,  
National Correspondence,  
Newcastle upon Tyne  
NE1 4PA,  

Tel: 03000616161, 

Fax: 03000 616171 


Monitoring and Learning from Complaints 

Medisonal Limited regards all forms of feedback as an opportunity to improve the levels of care offered to clients. Medisonal Limited operates within the ‘just culture’ framework. This means that employees are not apportioned unconstructive guilt or blame for genuine mistakes, but that they always remain accountable for deliberate policy deviations. The culture within Medisonal Limited is a supportive one. Where areas of learning are identified following the receipt of feedback, these will be addressed.  

In order to ensure that the rest of the business is equally able to learn from feedback received, details of the lessons learned will be shared across the business. The Registered Manager will then be responsible for discussing the most appropriate method of sharing proposed service improvements with the Senior Management Team. 

Issues arising from complaints should be a standard agenda item for discussion at the Senior Management Team meeting and the Registered Manager should ensure that themes and trends and lessons learned are shared with staff members.  


Unreasonable Complainant Behaviour  

Many complainants are angry and feel very aggrieved, sometimes with good cause. Although most complainants behave appropriately, a small number may make complaints that are vexatious or malicious. This may involve making serial complaints about different matters or persisting with the same complaint when nothing further can be done to assist them. 

It is important to distinguish between people who make several complaints, because they genuinely believe something has gone wrong, and people who are simply trying to make life difficult. It is important to remember that complainants will often be frustrated and aggrieved and, as a result, it is important to consider the merits of the complaint rather than their attitude.  

The fact that a complainant has made a vexatious complaint in the past does not necessarily mean that the next complaint is automatically vexatious. Each complaint must be considered individually, and a decision made as to whether it is vexatious or genuine. Complainants will be deemed to be vexatious or habitual if they have met two or more of the following criteria: 

  • persistence with pursing a complaint despite Medisonal Limited complaints procedure outlined above having been fully exhausted 
  • frequently bringing up further concerns and questions with a view to prolonging contact with Medisonal Limited. It is important that new issues are not dismissed, if they are significantly different from the original complaint it may be that they can be addressed as a separate complaint 
  • being unwilling to accept documented evidence of care given as being factual, including denying receipt of an adequate response to their complaint 
  • being unable to identify specific issues they wish to be investigated despite all reasonable efforts to assist them 
  • focussing on a trivial matter that is out of proportion to its significance (careful judgement should be used in using this criterion as it requires a subjective judgement) 
  • threatening or using physical violence towards staff. This criterion on its own will cause verbal contact with the complainant to cease. Any further communication following this should be solely in written format. Any threats of, or use of, violence should be reported on the incident management system 
  • placing unreasonable demands on Medisonal Limited’s staff. Discretion is required to determine how many contacts constitute excessive, along with good judgement based on the specific circumstances of each individual case 
  • harassing or being abusive on more than one occasion to the person dealing with the complaint. If the behaviour is sufficiently severe this may be sufficient to classify it as vexatious 
  • meetings or conversations are known to have been recorded electronically without the prior knowledge or consent of all parties involved 
  • displaying unreasonable demands or expectations and failing to accept that these may be unreasonable despite a clear explanation having been provided as to what constitutes unreasonable. 

Careful judgement and discretion must be used in applying criteria to identify habitual and vexatious complainants and to decide what action to take. The following actions are available:  

  • informing the complainant that they are at risk of being classified as habitual or vexatious. A copy of this policy should be sent to them and they should be advised to consider the criteria outlined when dealing with Medisonal Limited in the future 
  • declining further contact with the complainant, either in person, by telephone, letter, email or text whilst ensuring that one route of contact remains available. Alternatively, further contact could be restricted to liaison via a third party 
  • notify the complainant in writing that the Senior Management Team has responded fully to the points raised and has tried to resolve the complaint, that there is nothing more to add and that continuing contact on the matter will serve no useful purpose. Complainants should be notified that correspondence is at an end and that further communications will not be acknowledged or answered   
  • inform complainants that in extreme circumstances Medisonal Limited reserves the right to refer unreasonable or vexatious complainants to solicitors and, if appropriate, the police.  

These measures should only be implemented following agreement by the Registered Manager or Senior Management Team. The complainant must be notified of the course of action in writing by the Senior Management Team, including the reasons why the complaint has been classified as habitual or vexatious. The letter should be copied for the information of those involved in the complaint.  

Habitual or vexatious status can be withdrawn if a complainant demonstrates a more reasonable approach or submits a separate complaint for which the standard complaints procedure would seem appropriate. Such status should only be withdrawn following discussion between the Registered Manager and Senior Management Team. 


Support for Persons Involved in a Complaint 

The investigation of a complaint involving allegations of malpractice, assault, etc., can be stressful for staff involved. Sensitivity at this time is required. Managers are encouraged to provide support to their staff. However, in order to maintain their more objective role, an independent mentor (e.g., a manager from another area) can be identified to provide advice and support to the staff member concerned during this difficult time.   

When a complaint investigation takes place, staff can be asked to prepare statements or attend interviews. The Lead Investigator will ensure that:  

  • a staff member is given guidance as to what areas of information they will require from them in a timely manner, allowing time for them to gain support from colleagues and/or unions    
  • good information governance practice is maintained and that information regarding specific individuals is treated confidentially and with respect; sharing will only take place as far as required to conduct the investigation  
  • conduct interviews in a professional and supportive manner   
  • ensure that staff know that the review is being conducted as part of a learning and safety culture, as opposed to the apportioning of blame  
  • keep staff up to date on the review’s progress.  


Records Management 

All feedback paperwork will be retained for a minimum of 8 years after last clinical contact for adults and 22 years for children and pregnant women. Any archived paper files will be stored in a secure manner, in order to preserve confidentiality. Feedback related correspondence should not, in any circumstances, be retained in the care record of a person; this should only record information that is strictly relevant to their health. 

The security and retention of information on the incident management system is the responsibility of the Registered Manager. 



The implementation and levels of compliance with this policy will be monitored by 1:1 supervision sessions, with lessons learned shared through this channel as well as the Senior Management Team.   



Related Policies and Procedures 

Duty of Candour Policy and Procedure 

Information Governance and Record Keeping Policy and Procedure 

Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure 

Grievance Policy and Procedure 

Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedure 

Safeguarding Children Policy and Procedure 


Legislation and Guidance 

Compensations Act 2006 

Care Act 2014 

Data Protection Act 2018 

The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 

Human Rights Act 1998 

The Local Authority Social Services and National Health Service Complaints (England) Regulations 2009 

Mental Capacity Act 2005 

Mental Capacity Act Code of Practice  

How to complain about a care home or care in your home – self-funded or council-funded, Local Government Ombudsman Home – Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman  

A Review of the NHS Hospitals Complaints System Putting Service users Back in the Picture, Clwyd & Hart, October 2013. Putting Service users Back in the Picture 

Report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry, Francis, 2013.  

Complaints Matter, CQC, December 2014 20141208_complaints_matter_report.pdf ( 

CQC Receiving and acting on Complaints Regulation 16: Receiving and acting on complaints | Care Quality Commission ( 

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman: My expectations for raising concerns and complaints My expectations for raising concerns and complaints | Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) 

NHS Complaint Standards: Summary of expectations NHS Complaint Standards: Summary of expectations | Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) 




S1: How do systems, processes and practices safeguard people from abuse? 


C2: How does the service support people to express their views and be actively involved in making decisions about their care, support and treatment as far as possible? 


R2: How are people’s concerns and complaints listened and responded to and used to improve the quality of care? 

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      Christopher Salway

      Dr Chris Salway


      Chris Salway has over 20 years of experience working as a psychiatrist, having previously worked as a GP. He works at Exeter University where he is involved with research using psychedelic drugs combined with therapy for the treatment of mental health problems. 

      Chris believes that many psychiatric diagnoses and medications have limited value and looks to help people understand their assigned psychiatric “disorder” in a more holistic way.  

      He has found Plant-based medicine to be helpful for some people to manage their mental health difficulties and better tolerated than many psychiatric medications. 

      Dr. Ekkta Shashank Sharma

      Dr Ekkta Shashank Sharma


      Dr. Ekkta Shashank Sharma has over 15 years of experience working in mental health and has been a Consultant Psychiatrist since 2015. 

      After completing their MBBS in India, Dr. Sharma moved to the UK and has been pursuing a career in psychiatry. 

      Dr. Sharma completed her core training in Bristol and thereafter higher specialist training in general adult psychiatry. 

      Dr. Sharma’s training involved working with in-patients, out-patients, and in specialist services such as the Tertiary centre for OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) at Springfield Hospital in South-West London Trust. She has also worked in Early Intervention in Psychosis, Forensics, and Addiction Services. 

      Dr. Sharma worked with Prof Nutt, pursuing a special interest in psychopharmacology; and at a neuropsychiatry centre in Bristol for her interest in somatoform disorders. 

      Dr. Sharma was appointed as a consultant psychiatrist in June 2015 at SABP NHS Trust and worked as an in-patient consultant for 7 years before moving to a community job in 2022. While being an in-patient consultant, she was appointed as a Medical lead of a 60 bedded hospital – Farnham Road Hospital. 

      In February 2020, Dr. Sharma started work in the private sector and has since worked at the Cardinal Clinic in Windsor. 

      Since then, She has successfully treated patients with disorders of all ranges of severity. 

      Dr. Sharma has developed a special interest in Neuro-developmental disorders and women’s mental health which is becoming a primary feature in her clinic 

      Dr. Mayur Bodani

      Dr Mayur Bodani


      Dr Bodani has over 30 years’ experience in Medicine and over 25 years in psychiatry, the last 18 of which have been as a Consultant Neuropsychiatrist in both NHS and independent private practice. He is accredited as a specialist in General Adult Psychiatry, the Psychiatry of Old Age and Liaison Psychiatry. Dr Bodani manages all conditions relevant to general adult psychiatry including depression, anxiety, generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), bipolar affective disorder, psychosis, PTSD, OCD, somatoform disorders, the problems associated with addictions and drug withdrawal; as well as conditions specific to neuropsychiatry such as functional neurological disorders (FNDs), postconcussional syndrome (PCS), traumatic brain injury, dementias of multiple causation, ASD, and ADHD; including the psychiatric complications of neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease & other neurodegenerative disorders, and epilepsy. He is expert in the assessment of mental capacity in relation to medicolegal matters and has been an Accredited Expert endorsed by the Academy of Experts since 2009. Dr Bodani has extensive experience in psychopharmacology, and neuromodulation technologies such as GVS, and VNS in which he is actively pursuing research as a means of helping the problems associated with Parkinson’s disease. Dr Bodani is a leading specialist in the UK in the use of plant-based medicines for a range of psychiatrist indications and is consulted regularly. He has a holistic approach to diagnosis and management, and is eminent in his field.

      Vimal Sivasanker

      Dr Vimal Sivasanker


      Dr Vimal Sivasanker completed his medical training at St Catharine’s College, Cambridge and St Bartholomew’s and the Royal London School of Medicine. He completed psychiatric training on the East London and Cambridge and East Anglia rotations, working extensively in inner city and rural areas treating a broad range of psychiatric disorders. He was appointed as a Consultant Psychiatrist in 2008.

      Dr Sivasanker has an interest in neuromodulation and novel psychoactive substances for the treatment of psychiatric disorders. He was previously the Vice Chair of the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ Committee on ECT and Related Treatments. He is currently the Chair of the ECT Accreditation Service of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and is involved in developing and revising national standards for ECT services and conducting peer reviews. He is also Chair of the Combined Committee for Accreditation, part of the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ Centre for Quality Improvement (CCQI), and monitors the accreditation processes of all 28 quality networks within the CCQI.

      Dr Sivasanker has also written book chapters and peer-reviewed articles and has delivered lectures and training at local, national and international level.

      Gurdeep Dulay

      Dr Gurdeep Dulay


      Dr Gurdeep Dulay is a highly skilled and experienced Consultant Rheumatologist who manages patients with a broad range of rheumatological problems including; Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, gout, polymyalgia rheumatica, fibromyalgia, Lupus, Sjogren’s disease, osteoarthritis and other connective tissue diseases. 

      Dr Dulay is caring and compassionate. He practices with both a holistic and evidence-based approach. 

      Dr Dulay completed his undergraduate medical training with distinction in the BM Primary examination at the University of Southampton. He was appointed as a Consultant Rheumatologist and Physician at Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust in 2017. 

      In addition to his full-time Rheumatology work, Dr Dulay also continues to contribute to acute/general medicine at Queen Alexandra Hospital Portsmouth.  Dr Dulay is proficient in use of ultrasound and has extensive experience in performing joint injection procedures. 

      Amongst other achievements in recent years, Dr Dulay has also: 

      • Received a national changemaker award (December 2023) at the Houses of Parliament for work in Axial spondyloarthritis. 
      • Been selected to lead the regional Axial Spondyloarthritis group (SCAN) and was lead author for the group’s first two international abstracts/presentations (2023). 
      • Invited by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons to comment formally on proposed NICE guidelines. 
      • Authored/Co-authored local, regional and national clinical guidelines. 
      • Participated in a National working group which devised an Osteoporosis treatment algorithm (endorsed by the Royal Osteoporosis Society). 

      Dr Dulay takes an active role in medical education. He serves as an Educational and Clinical Supervisor to junior doctors. Additionally, he has been invited to peer review journal articles and judge abstract submissions for national conferences. 

      With his expertise and commitment to providing compassionate and comprehensive care, Dr Gurdeep Dulay is highly regarded in the field of Rheumatology. 

      Basil Almahdi

      Dr Basil Almahdi

      Pain Management Specialist

      Dr Basil Almahdi qualified as a medical doctor in 1997. He completed his specialist training in London and gained a higher degree in Pain Management at University College Hospital as a Fellow in pain medicine at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square.

      He gained experience in managing complex spinal pain problems. He has since become a Consultant in Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine at the Whittington Hospital where he currently practices covering both Acute and Chronic pain management.

      He has numerous publications and has lectured nationally and internationally in his subject. His special interests are the minimally invasive treatment of problems caused by degenerative spinal disease including disc herniation, radiculopathies and spinal stenosis. He has a special interest in managing chronic pain syndromes and is also interested in the treatment of post operative pain, neuropathic pain, and palliative treatments for cancer pain.

      He is a member of The Complex Spine London group that provides MDT approach treatment for spinal surgical patients

      He has a significant experience in using Plant Based Medication (CBM) in the management of Chronic Pain problems and worked at multiple clinics in the past providing such service

      Dr Almahdi is bilingual, also speaking Arabic fluently. He takes pride in his holistic approach to patient care, allowing patients to make considered decisions and agree a treatment plan. His emphasis on educating patients empowers patients to manage their pain in the best possible way.

      Anthony Ordman

      Dr Anthony Ordman

      Pain Management Specialist

      Anthony is a senior consultant in pain medicine. He graduated from the University of London in 1978, and has been a specialist in pain medicine for 25 years, founding a respected NHS teaching hospital pain clinic and teaching young pain specialists and doctors. He was appointed to a special Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians, and was President of the Pain Medicine Section at the Royal Society of Medicine.

      Always an innovator, Anthony began to prescribe plant medicines for pain, feeling they were often better and safer than many conventional medicines. He helped set up a leading UK plant medicine clinic, and lectures on the subject.

      Anthony is helping to develop the role of plant medicines in all areas of health care, and to develop new and innovative ways of delivering these medicines.